Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A change in direction and a new proposal!

After I went through the process of analysing and organising the data collected at Epic Arts, I felt that there was so much detailed information and such a clear structure for understanding Epic Arts and its work that I questioned whether to continue the second part of the project by repeating the research in the UK. I felt that by moving on to look at that, I was at risk of loosing something significant in terms of understand Epic Arts more. After a few days of thinking and worrying, I contacted my project supervisor and discussed my worries. He understood and could see the benefits of focusing on the data already collected at Epic Arts and delving further in to that, rather than re-focusing to start fresh data collection in the UK. In order to do this though, he said I needed to re-write my proposal, which initially seemed a daunting task!

I looked back at my previous project proposal and was able to rewrite sections of it, so it didn't mean starting again, I need to re-address the aims and objectives and I made changes to the justification, but kept information such as background to the project and the literature review the same, I also adapted the title of the project to reflect the focus on Epic Arts in Cambodia. Here is the new title:

I adapted the executive summary to fit the new proposal, here is the new version:

I also re-addressed the justification for the project, here is the revised version:

The next step was to revisit the aims and objectives to align them with the next project focus, here are the new aims and objectives:

Finally I updated the timeline for the project and the methodology:

Once I had re-written the project proposal, I felt that I was much more confident about the project. I would now be able to focus on the new direction of the project to discover more about what make Epic Arts tick and understand what is at the core of the inclusive arts work at the core of the organisation.

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